Workforce Insights – Your Supervisors Will Make or Break You

Apr 06, 2023

Ever heard of the Peter Principle? It’s the idea that individuals get promoted to the highest level of incompetence. It is alive and well in aging services. For example, you have an outstanding individual that is excelling in their job, blowing through all of their goals, and you see potential in them. You decide to promote them into a new position with increased responsibility and supervising one or more people. They get into the position and continue to meet goals but is floundering as a supervisor and isn’t performing as well as you hoped. In fact, their direct reports are fleeing the department or quitting all together. What happened?

In short, the individual wasn’t prepared and didn’t possess the knowledge to become a supervisor. Their only reference was what they had experienced or observed other supervisors display. This is a recipe for failure and is not the fault of the promoted individual. 

The way to combat this is to implement a system in which all individuals who are supervisors, or about to become supervisors, receive the important knowledge and training to succeed. I recommend that they get this training early and often through an intentional ongoing training system. This will prevent the supervisory aspect of the peter principle.

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